I really enjoyed the Photo a Day challenge. Shooting and uploading a new photo each day has forced me to get up, get outside, and get moving. It has also allowed me to meet some people i never otherwise would've.
When shooting the horses, for example, i had a pleasant hour-long conversation with the animals' owner. Without this challenge, i never would've taken the opportunity.
I'll admit that I didn't actually take 21 days worth of photos. I probably ended up shooting on about 16 different days. Is that a failure? Hell no! I have over 100 new photos and memories now that i didn't just three weeks ago. A link to the full album can be found here.
It's interesting how a picture can bring you back to the time and place. I can tell the story about where each of these photos was taken.
I encourage each of you to pick something and give it a whirl for just 3 weeks. You'll be surprised at how much something seemingly so simple can change your life forever. If you try it out, i'd love to hear about it!