Indulge in Knowledge

Notes and Quotes
(alphabetized by title)
$2.00 a Day Kathryn J Edin and Luke Shaefer
8 Weeks to SEALFit Mark Divine
The 12 Hour Walk Colin O'Brady
12 Rules for Life Jordan Peterson
The 32 Principles Rener Gracie
The 48 Laws of Power Robert Greene
The 50th Law Robert Greene and 50 Cent
The Alchemist Paulo Coelho
The Amazing Results of Positive Thinking Norman Vincent Peale
America's Cheapest Family Steve and Annette Economides
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle Barbara Kingsolver
Anything You Want Derek Sivers
The Archer Paulo Coelho
The Art of the Deal Donald Trump
Atomic Habits James Clear
Attached Amir Levine and Rachel Heller
The Automatic Millionaire David Bach
Awareness Anthony de Mello
The Beauty of What Remains Steve Leder
Being Mortal Atul Gawande
The Best Investment Advice I Ever Received Liz Claman
Between the World and Me Ta-Nehisi Coates
Biased Jennifer L. Eberhardt
Blood, Bones & Butter Gabrielle Hamilton
The Book of Five Rings Miyamoto Musashi
The Book of Joy Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Abrams
Born to Run Christopher McDougall
Business Brilliant Lewis Schiff
Business for Punks James Watt
Can't Hurt Me David Goggins
Citizen Outlaw Charles Barber
Cooked Michael Pollan
The Customer Centricity Playbook Peter Fader and Sarah E Toms
David and Goliath Malcolm Gladwell
A Day in the Life of a Minimalist Joshua Fields Millburn
Designing Your Life Bill Burnett & Dave Evans
The Dichotomy of Leadership Jocko Willink & Leif Babin
Discipline Equals Freedom Jocko Willink
Do The Work Steven Pressfield
Do You Russell Simmons
Dropping Ashes on the Buddha Seung Sahn
Eleven Rings Phil Jackson
Endure Cameron Hanes
Essentialism Greg Mckeown
Extreme Ownership Jocko Willink, Leif Babin
Facing Death and Finding Hope Christine Longaker
Find the Good Heather Lende
Find Your Why Simon Sinek
Finding Ultra Rich Roll
For One More Day Mitch Albom
Four Agreements Don Miguel Ruiz
Fresh Off the Boat Eddie Huang
The Garden Jon Gordon
The Go-Giver Bob Burg, John David Mann
God's Debris Scott Adams
The Good Neighbor Maxwell King
Gorilla Mindset Mike Cernovich
Habit Stacking S J Scott
Happy Money Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton
The Hard Thing About Hard Things Ben Horowitz
The Hate U Give Angie Thomas

Heart to Start David Kadavy
Hidden Potential Adam Grant
Hillbilly Elegy J.D. Vance
The In-Between Vlahos, Hadley
In Defense of Elitism William A Henry III
The Infinite Game Simon Sinek
Into the Magic Shop James Doty, MD
Jiro Dreams of Sushi David Gelb
Karma Sadhguru
Kitchen Confidential Anthony Bourdain
Leadership Strategy and Tactics Jocko Willink

Life After Death Deepak Chopra
Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Marie Kondo
Life's Little Instruction Book H. Jackson Brown
Live Rich Stephan Pollan and Mark Levine
Living a Life that Matters Harold S. Kushner
Living with a SEAL Jesse Itzler
Losing My Virginity Richard Branson
Lucky Me Rich Paul
Make Your Bed Admiral William H McRaven
Man's Search for Meaning Viktor Frankl
Many Lives, Many Masters Brian Weiss, M.D.
Marshmallow Test Walter Mischel
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone Lori Gottlieb
The Miracle Morning Hal Elrod
The Money Code H.W. Charles
Morning Routine Mastery Simon Wright
Mortality Christopher Hitchens
The Motivation Manifesto Brendon Burchard
My Spiritual Journey the Dalai Lama
Narconomics Tom Wainwright
Never Finished David Goggins
No Excuses! Brian Tracy
No, They Can't John Stossel
Nobody Is Coming to Save You Mann, Lt. Col. Scott
Now Go Out There Mary Karr
The Obstacle is the Way Ryan Holiday
One Blade of Grass Henry Shukman
One Hit Away Jordan Barnes
The ONE Thing Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
Open Andre Agassi
Option B Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant
Outliers Malcolm Gladwell
Own the Day, Own Your Life Aubrey Marcus
The Path Tony Robbins
Peak Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool
Pivot & Go David Nurse
The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work Alain De Botton
Plunge Fritz Damler and Mari Anderson
The Power of Discipline Daniel Walter
The Power of Habit Charles Duhigg
The Power of Losing Control Joe Caruso
The Power of Meaning Emily Esfahani Smith
The Power of Myth Joseph Campbell
The Power of Now Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Positive Thinking Norman Vincent Peale
Predictably Irrational Dan Ariely
The Primal Method Gregory Koufacos
Proof of Heaven Eben Alexander III, M.D.
Relentless Tim S. Grover
Richest Man in Babylon George Clason
Scarcity Brain Michael Easter
Scars and Stripes Tim Kennedy
Secular Buddhism Noah Rasheta
Self-Discipline Blueprint Patrik Edblad
Setting the Table Danny Meyer
Shoe Dog Phil Knight
Siddhartha Hermann Hesse
Slight Edge Jeff Olson
Smarter Faster Better Charles Duhigg
Staring Down the Wolf Mark Divine
The Success Principles Jack Canfield
Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! Richard Feynman and Ralph Leighton
Surf When You Can Brett Crozier
The Tao of Willie Willie Nelson
Ten Years a Nomad Matt Kepnes
This Naked Mind Annie Grace
Tools of Titans Tim Ferriss
Total Focus Brandon Webb

Total Money Makeover Dave Ramsey
Tough Terry Crews
Tribe Sebastian Junger
Trillion Dollar Coach Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg, and Alan Eagle
Truth Neil Strauss
Turning Pro Steven Pressfield
Unbreakable Jay Glazer
Unshakeable Tony Robbins
Urban Monk Pedram Shojai
Voluntary Simplicity Duane Elgin
The War of Art Steven Pressfield
The Way is in Training Matthew Little
The Way of the SEAL Mark Divine
What the Dog Saw Malcolm Gladwell
When Daniel Pink
When to Rob a Bank Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner
Where Men Win Glory Jon Krakauer

Where Winners Live Dave Porter and Linda Galindo
Why Men Don't Have a Clue and Women Always Need More Shoes B and A Pease
World Wide Rave David Meerman Scott
Your Move Ramit Sethi
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Robert Pirsig

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